If you're unhappy with the color or shape of your teeth, there are a variety of ways to give you a more confident smile. With the many options, each has advantages and disadvantages. Speak with a dentist to go over your options and figure out a plan specific to you to give you the best results.
Veneers offer a method to alter the color and shape of your teeth that is much faster than braces or clear aligners. This can be accomplished in two visits. The first involves preparation of your teeth to accommodate the veneers and temporary veneers are fabricated. This allows you to try out your smile for a few weeks. At the second visit, the final veneers are tried in and cemented permanently. In most cases, if you have a small break or chip, tooth colored filling material can be added to restore your tooth to a more natural condition. However, large breaks can sometimes be difficult to repair with filing material and it can also pick up stain over time. In many situations, starting with tooth colored composite filling material is a great first choice. However, if the desired results aren't achieved, veneers may be the right option.
Teeth Whitening / Teeth Bleaching
The easiest way to improve the look of your teeth is to brighten them up with some teeth bleaching. Today, there are a lot of different whitening products available, both over-the-counter and professional services. An easy way to get started is with whitening strips and other take home bleaching kits you can get online or in many stores. Over-the-counter whitening kits offer a cost effective and easy-to-use way to lighten the color of your teeth. However, it can be somewhat limited. At bohn dental, we primarily use custom whitening trays with our patients. There are many advantages to custom trays. They help limit any tissue damage by better controlling the whitening gel. Trays also allow you to change the concentration of the whitening gel used. This can help maximize color change, while limiting sensitivity. Before moving forward with any whitening, we recommend you speak with a dentist first.
There are a lot of options that can help enhance your smile. Give our office a call and we can help you bring out the smile you always deserved. Ask about our free consultations.
bohn dental
3686 32nd Ave Suite 100 Hudsonville, MI 49426
(616) 425-8892
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